Chuck Webster on Health IT Marketer Podcast

We celebrate National Health IT Week by welcoming workflow guru Chuck Webster to discuss marketing implications for today’s information management challenges and insights to maximizing social media such as Periscope and Twitter. We also sprinkle in excerpts from the program’s first Blab session featuring guests Brian Stork, Jimmy Legan and Christina Fisher.

Show notes

Air Date: October 14, 2015
Guest: Chuck Webster, MD, health IT workflow guru

0:43 Thanks to Janet Kennedy (GetSocialHealth) and Joe LaVelle (IntrepidHealth) for welcoming me to the podcasting community
2:31 Portions of today’s program come from a Blab recorded during National Health IT Week
4:39 Introducing Chuck Webster
7:17 Summary of National HIT Week Blab and other activities
15:52 Excerpt from NHIT Week Blab: Brian Stork, Chuck Webster and Jimmy Legan on Physicians are moving past their initial resistance to EHR
20:43 How wearables fit into health data workflow
27:36 Bonus question #1: What’s the best book you’ve read lately?
30:11 Chuck’s experience with social media: Periscope, Blab and Twitter
35:45 How important is it to experiment?
41:30 Bonus question #2: If you could join a music group or rock band for a day, who would it be?
44:42 Excerpt from National HIT Week Blab: Christina Fisher on the need for collaboration in BPM-driven health data

Sound bite

Regarding those who expect engagement on Twitter without putting in enough effort:

Waiting for something to happen on Twitter is like standing there in front of a fire and telling it, “If you don’t blaze brighter and more hotly I won’t throw any wood on you.” It confuses the cause and effect.

Guest biography

If you’ve got a healthcare workflow story, Chuck Webster wants to tell it, blog it, and tweet it! He has degrees in Accountancy, Industrial Engineering, Intelligent Systems, and Medicine. Dr. Webster designed the first undergraduate program in medical informatics, was a software architect in a hospital MIS department, and is a judge for the annual Workflow Management Coalition Awards for Excellence in BPM and Workflow and Awards for Case Management. Chuck is a ceaseless evangelist for process-aware technologies in healthcare, including workflow management systems, Business Process Management, and dynamic and adaptive case management. He’s the ex-CMIO for a three-time HIMSS Davies Award-winning pediatric EHR. He also created Mr. RIMP (@MrRIMP) (Robot-In-My-Pocket) a Bluetooth-controlled wearable robot for pediatricians and child life specialists to entertain children. Chuck is a HIMSS14 & HIMSS15 Social Media Ambassador! He maintains almost a half-a-million words and graphics on numerous websites, including EHR Workflow Management Systems (, Healthcare Business Process Management ( and the People and Organizations improving Healthcare with Health Information Technology (

Engage with Chuck on Twitter, Periscope or Blab at @wareFLO.

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