Twitter chats

I have enjoyed being invited to moderate or participate in several chats lately, and it keeps me excited about the conversations that are happening in health care.

Twitter chats are a fun way to dive into the health care community and connect with like-minded professionals. Discussions happen quickly, so you can learn a lot in a short amount of time.

With the help of readers, I have crowdsourced this list of 14 health care Twitter chats. Feel free to share and comment to add more to this list.

(listed by alpha)

Twitter Chat Name When? (all times Eastern) Notes
#CMIOChat 4th Thursdays,
7 pm ET
#CMIOChat is a relatively new chat — its inaugural session was in September — but it has lots of potential. You can see a list of moderators at, including Nick van Terheyden, Rasu Shrestha, John Mattison and others.
#hcbiz Wednesdays,
12 pm ET
The Business of Healthcare Chat is the newest chat on our list and one of the most promising. Don Lee of @ZenPRM hosts on topics of how to help practices improve business practices so that they have the bandwidth and ability to innovate clinically.
#HCHLITSS Thursdays,
8 pm ET
The Health Communication, Health Literacy and Social Science chat discusses a variety of topics including health and social media, health care disparities and social determinants.
#hcldr Tuesdays,
8:30 pm ET
The Health Care Leader chat has become well known as a vibrant online community of patients, physicians, nurses, CEOs, IT folks, caregivers, policy makers and students.
#hcsm Sundays,
9 pm ET
Short for Health Care Social Media, the #hcsm chat claims the title as the first healthcare Twitter chat dating back to 2009. Conversations focus on social media and other communications in health care.
#HealthCareChat Mondays,
2 pm ET
NextWaveConnect sponsors the #HealthCareChat, which discusses a variety of trending topics.
#HealthITChicks 3rd Wednesdays,
2 pm ET
Formerly known as #HITchicks, #HealthITChicks is a vibrant community that also has an engaged LinkedIn group. Discussions include women in health care and other fun from entrepreneurship to recipes. Men are allowed. 🙂
#HERChat Thursdays,
7 pm ET
#HerChat also focuses on women in health care and related topics.
#HISTalking Monthly,
1 pm ET
Healthcare IT, patient engagement and patient advocacy are the focuses of this chat moderated by @JennHIStalk.
#HITMC 1st Tuesdays,
noon ET
The Healthcare IT Marketing Community chats monthly on everything from marketing to conferences, communications and business development.
#HITsm Fridays,
noon ET
The Health IT Social Media chat focuses on how social media and other communications relate to health information technology, meaningful use, HL7, and other related topics.
#KareoChat Thursdays,
noon ET
Hosted by Kareo, this weekly chat discusses EHR, billing standards, medical practice marketing, mobile health, ICD-10, and more.
#PatientChat Every other Friday,
1 pm ET
#PatientChat discusses concerns and experiences of patients and how technology and communication can be improved.
#patientpref  2nd Fridays,
2 pm ET
Topics on the #patientpref chat include health care delivery science, shared decision making, patient preferences, informed choice, etc.